Spiraea bumalda 'Green Carpet
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Syringa prestoniae 'James Mcfarlane
French name : Lilas James McFarlane
French description : Shrub with the widened port. Pink flowers. Supports well the wet conditions. Vigorous.
Sunshine : Sun,
Height at maturity: 2.50
Width maturity : 2.00
Flowering time: 06-07
Zone: 2 -
Spiraea japonica 'Shirobana
Spiraea japonica 'Shirobana
French name : Spirée Shirobana
French description : Plant with the globular port. Green foliage. Dark pink and white flowers appearing on the same plant. Very long bloom.
Sunshine : Sun, Half-shade,
Height of maturity : 0.80
Width maturity: 0.80
Flowering time: 07-09
Zone: 3b -
Rhododendron azalea 'White Lights
Rhododendron azalea 'White Lights
French name : Azalée White Lights
French description : Shrub with the drawn up port. Staggered and spindly branches. Downy foliage, deciduous, taking a light reddish tint in autumn. Pale floral buttons, pink flowers becoming white.
Sunshine : Sun, Half-shade,
Height at maturity: 1.50
Width maturity: 1.50
Flowering time: 05-06
Zone: 3 -
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French description : Semi-linear plant, with the very vigorous growths. Long and narrow leaves. Inflorescences in long panicles of pink flowers clear, scented.
Attracts butterflies
Sunshine : Sun,
Height at maturity: 1.20
Width maturity: 1.20
Flowering time: 07-09
Zone: 5