Sambucus pubens
Attracts birds
Other products of interest
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Spiraea bumalda 'Anthony Waterer
French name : Spirée Antony Waterer
French description : Shrub with the bushy port. Green foliage with red ends. Bloom dark pink of long duration.
Sunshine : Sun, Half-shade,
Height of maturity : 0.80
Width maturity: 0.80
Flowering time: 06-08
Zone: 3b -
Physocarpus opulifolius 'Center Glow
Physocarpus opulifolius 'Center Glow
French name : Physocarpe Center Glow
French description : Feuillage doré au printemps devenir graduellement bourgogne, ce qui donne un mélange des deux couleurs pendant la saison. Flowering white cream.
Sunshine : Sun,
Height at maturity: 2.00
Width maturity : 2.00
Flowering time: 06
Zone: 2 -
Viburnum dentatum 'Autumn Jazz
Viburnum dentatum 'Autumn Jazz
French name : Viorne Autumn Jazz
French description : Dense shrub. White flowers appearing in spring. Blue black fruits. Bright green foliage becoming yellow, orange and burgundy in autumn.
Sunshine : Sun, Half-shade,
Height at maturity: 3.00
Width maturity : 2.40
Flowering time: 05-06
Zone: 3 -
Salix integra 'Flamingo
Salix integra 'Flamingo
French name : Saule écarlate
French description : Dark pink foliage in spring which keeps its coloring throughout the season. With its mixture of pink and green, this shrub gives a marvelous contrast to the garden.
Sunshine : Sun,
Height of maturity : 1.25
Width maturity : 1.25
Zone: 4