Potentilla fruticosa 'Pink Beauty
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Viburnum lentago
French name : Alisier
French description : Big shrub with the rounded port. Falling branches. Lustrous foliage. White bloom.
Attracts birds
Is scented
Sunshine : Sun, Half-shade,
Height at maturity: 4.00
Width maturity: 2.50
Flowering time: 06
Zone: 2SKU: LNLV Categories: Shrubs, Riparian buffers, Direct Ship, Generic, Windbreaks, Mi-Ombre, Bird, Renaturalization, Soleil, Slope stabilization, Plants, Zone 2 Tags: Mi-Ombre, Birds, Soleil -
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Hydrangea serrata 'Tuff Stuff
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French description : Shrub with the compact port. Bracts of flowers pink-reddish at the beginning of summer until the frost. The flowers begin with cream coloration in the center becoming of an intense pink. The flowers can become blue in the acid grounds.
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Width maturity : 0.90
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Berberis thunbergii 'Concorde
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French description : Feuillage rouge mauve foncé. Excellent for the plantation in massif or small hedge. The brilliant red fruits are persistent in winter.
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Is scented
Sunshine : Sun, Half-shade,
Height at maturity: 0.60
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Zone: 4b