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Showing 1–12 of 17 results
Rosa 'Bill Reid
Rosa 'Bill Reid
French name : Rosier Bill Reid
French description : Flowers semi double which is orange with the opening passing to the yellow to finish pale pink with a center which remains yellow. Medium green foliage semi glossed. Port semi-erect. Good resistance to the diseases. Series Canadian Artists
Sunshine : Sun,
Height of maturity : 0.90
Width maturity : 0.70
Flowering time: 06-09
Zone: 3 -
Rosa 'Blanda
Rosa 'Blanda
French name : Rosier Blanda
French description : Simple pink flowers. (Shrubby)
Sunshine : Sun, Half-shade,
Height of maturity : 0.90
Width maturity : 0.90
Flowering time: 06-07
Zone: 3SKU: RSABLNA Categories: Riparian buffers, Direct Ship, Generic, Mi-Ombre, Renaturalization, Roses, Soleil, Slope stabilization, Plants, Zone 3 Tags: Mi-Ombre, Soleil -
Rosa 'Canadian Shield
Rosa 'Canadian Shield
French name : Rosier Canada Shield
French description : Flowers of a rich red color. Resistant to the black spot and the oïdium. This rose is cultivated for its strength and its capacity to flower in the majority of the places and is part of the new collection '' 49ième parallèles ''.
Sunshine : Sun,
Height at maturity: 1.20
Width maturity : 0.90
Flowering time: 06-09
Zone: 3 -
Rosa 'Champlain
Rosa 'Champlain
French name : Rosier Champlain
French description : Fleurs doubles, dark red measuring from 6 to 7 cm in diameter and having 30 petals. Rustic rose which blooms abundantly during all the summer until late autumn. (Explorateur)
Sunshine : Sun,
Height at maturity: 1.00
Width maturity : 1.00
Flowering time: 06-09
Zone: 3 -
Rosa 'Chinook Sunrise
Rosa 'Chinook Sunrise
French name : Rosier Chinook Sunrise
French description : Flowers in the tones of exotic coral pink. Resistant to the black spot and the oïdium. This rose is cultivated for its strength and its capacity to bloom in the majority of the places and is part of the new collection '' 49ième parallèles ''.
Sunshine : Sun,
Height at maturity: 1.20
Width maturity: 1.20
Flowering time: 06-09
Zone: 3 -
Rosa 'Emily Carr
Rosa 'Emily Carr
French name : Rosier Emily Carr
French description : Abundance of semi-double flowers, red. Lustrous foliage, dark green with new reddish shoots. Canadian Artists Series
Sunshine : Sun,
Height at maturity: 1.00
Width maturity: 1.50
Flowering time: 06-09
Zone: 3 -
Rosa 'Felix Leclerc
Rosa 'Felix Leclerc
French name : Rosier Felix Leclerc
French description : Semi-double flowers, pink with yellow base. Very resistant to the diseases. Lustrous foliage with new reddish shoots. Series Canadian Artists
Sunshine : Sun,
Height at maturity: 3.00
Width maturity: 1.50
Flowering time: 06-09
Zone: 4 -
Rosa 'Frontenac
Rosa 'Frontenac
French name : Rosier Frontenac
French description : Semi-double flowers, dark pink, of 8 cm in diameter formed, of 20 petals, in clusters of 1 to 8 flowers. Resistant to the white and the black spot. (Explorer)
Sunshine : Sun,
Height at maturity: 1.00
Width maturity : 1.00
Flowering time: 06-09
Zone: 3 -
Rosa 'George Vancouver
Rosa 'George Vancouver
French name : Rosier George Vancouver
French description : Buds dark red opening in red flowers fuchsia of 6cm of diameter, composed of 24 petals, in clusters of 1-6. Abundant bloom in June and repetitive. Beautiful red fruits in the fall. (Explorer)
Sunshine : Sun,
Height at maturity: 1.00
Width maturity : 1.00
Flowering time: 06-09
Zone: 3 -
Rosa 'Hope for Humanity'
Rosa 'Hope for Humanity'
French name: Rosier Hope for Humanity
French description : Rose in the open port. Red flowers, double, 8 cm in diameter, grouped in bunches of 2 to 15 flowers. Resists well to mildew and rust. (Parkland)
Sunshine : Sun,
Height at maturity: 0.50
Width maturity: 0.60
Flowering time: 06-09
Zone: 3 -
Rosa 'John Davis
Rosa 'John Davis
French name : Rosier John Davis
French description : Flowers pink, double, from 8 to 9 cm in diameter (40 to 50 petals). Blooms at the end of June then in intermittence until the end of the summer. Rose with sarmenteuses stems giving a crawling port. (Explorateur)
Sunshine : Sun,
Height at maturity: 2.50
Width maturity : 2.00
Flowering time: 06-09
Zone: 3 -
Rosa 'JP Connell
Rosa 'JP Connell
French name : Rosier J.P. Connell
French description : Yellow flowers from 7 to 9 cm in diameter. Rose with the drawn up port. Vigorous. Resist well to the white. (Explore)
Sunshine : Sun,
Height at maturity: 1.50
Width maturity: 1.20
Flowering time: 06-09
Zone: 3