Zone 3b


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Showing 1–12 of 28 results

Products per page: 12/24/48
  • Acer freemanii 'Autumn Blaze'.

    Acer freemanii 'Autumn Blaze'.

    French name : Érable Autumn Blaze
    French description : Tree with an upright port. Scarlet foliage in autumn. Tolerates drought conditions.
    Sunshine : Sun,
    Height at maturity : 12.00
    Width maturity : 8.00
    Zone: 3b

    SKU: ACRFRAB Categories: , , , , , , Tag:
  • Amelanchier canadensis

    Amelanchier canadensis

    French name : Amélanchier du Canada
    French description : Shrub growing naturally in talle, being able to reach 6 m. Narrow port on single trunk, broader when in cépée. Beautiful delicate white flowers, very early in spring.
    Attracts birds
    Is scented
    Sunshine : Sun,
    Height at maturity: 6.00
    Width maturity : 4.00
    Flowering time: 06
    Zone: 3b

    SKU: AMLCNSN Categories: , , , , , , , Tags: ,
  • Clematis 'Jackmanii Superba

    Clematis 'Jackmanii Superba

    French name : Clématite Jackmanii Superba
    French description : Small climbing plant requiring a support. Large dark purple blue flowers of 14-18 cm in diameter, with the sepals broader than Clematis 'Jackmanii'. Flowers on the wood of the year. Pruning group 2-3.
    Sunshine : Sun, Half-shade,
    Height at maturity: 5.00
    Width maturity : 0.00
    Flowering time: 06-09
    Zone: 3b

    SKU: CLMJCSP Categories: , , , , , , Tags: ,
  • Clematis 'John Paul II

    Clematis 'John Paul II

    French name : Clématite John Paul II
    French description : Small climbing plant requiring a support. Large white flowers shaded of pink of 10-15 cm in diameter. Size group 2.
    Sunshine : Sun, Half-shade,
    Height at maturity: 5.00
    Width maturity : 0.00
    Flowering time: 07-09
    Zone: 3b

    SKU: CLMJHPI Categories: , , , , , , Tags: ,
  • Clematis 'Cardinal Red

    Clematis 'Cardinal Red

    French name : Clématite Rouge Cardinal
    French description : Climbing plant requiring a support. Large flowers of 10-12 cm red purple, velvety. Interesting in tubs and jardinières. Size group 3.
    Sunshine : Sun, Half-shade,
    Height at maturity: 3.00
    Width maturity : 0.00
    Flowering time: 06-09
    Zone: 3b

    SKU: CLMRGCR Categories: , , , , , , Tags: ,
  • Clematis 'The President

    Clematis 'The President

    French name : Clématite The President
    French description : Climbing plant requiring a support. Large flowers of 15-18 cm dark purple. Good for the cut flower. Size group 3.
    Sunshine : Sun, Half-shade,
    Height at maturity: 3.00
    Width maturity : 0.00
    Flowering time: 07-08
    Zone: 3b

    SKU: CLMTHPR Categories: , , , , , , Tags: ,
  • Clematis 'Ville de Lyon

    Clematis 'Ville de Lyon

    French name : Clématite Ville de Lyon
    French Description : Climbing plant requiring a support. Large flowers of 12-14 cm brilliant carmine red with scarlet edge. Size group 3.
    Sunshine : Sun, Half-shade,
    Height at maturity: 4.00
    Width maturity : 0.00
    Flowering time: 07-09
    Zone: 3b

    SKU: CLMVLDL Categories: , , , , , , Tags: ,
  • Cornus 'Ivory Halo

    Cornus 'Ivory Halo

    French name : Cornouiller Ivory Halo
    French description : Shrub with the compact port. Red stems. Green and white variegated foliage.
    Attracts birds
    Is scented
    Sunshine : Sun, Half-shade,
    Height of maturity : 1.80
    Width maturity : 2.40
    Zone: 3b

    SKU: NSERC Categories: , , , , , , , Tags: , ,
  • Diervilla lonicera 'Copper

    Diervilla lonicera 'Copper

    French name : Diervillée Copper
    French description : Shrub with deciduous sheets. New shoots of color coppered followed by dark green sheets. Bright yellow flowers which appear in June and July.
    Sunshine: Sun, Half-shade, Shade,
    Height at maturity: 0.60
    Width maturity: 0.60
    Flowering time: 06-07
    Zone: 3b

    SKU: DRVLNCP Categories: , , , , , , , Tags: , ,
  • Euonymus alatus 'Compactus

    Euonymus alatus 'Compactus

    French name : Fusain ailé nain
    French description : Shrub with the compact port. Winged branches, of corky texture. Foliage of autumn very attractive red flame. Fructification orange scarlet.
    Attracts birds
    Is scented
    Sunshine : Sun, Half-shade,
    Height at maturity: 1.50
    Width maturity: 1.50
    Flowering time: 05-06
    Zone: 3b

    SKU: ENMALCM Categories: , , , , , , , Tags: , ,
  • Malus 'McIntosh

    Malus 'McIntosh

    French name : Pommier McIntosh
    French description : Red striped fruits, with firm and sweetened flesh. Mid-September. Conservation of very long duration. One of the most cultivated varieties
    Sunshine : Sun,
    Height at maturity: 5.00
    Width maturity : 5.00
    Zone: 3b

    SKU: MLSMCOT Categories: , , , , , Tag:
  • Malus 'Spartan

    Malus 'Spartan

    French name : Pommier Spartan
    French description : Red fruits, firm and very sweetened at the beginning of October. Good production and good conservation.
    Sunshine : Sun,
    Height at maturity: 5.00
    Width maturity : 5.00
    Zone: 3b

    SKU: MLSSPTR Categories: , , , , , Tag:
en_CAEnglish (Canada)
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