Spiraea bumalda 'Green Carpet
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Syringa prestoniae 'Miss Canada
Syringa prestoniae 'Miss Canada
French name : Lilas Miss Canada
French description : Shrub with the erect and dense port. Buttons dark red opening in flowers dark pink. Probably the most beautiful lilac with simple flowers.
Sunshine : Sun,
Height at maturity: 2.00
Width maturity : 2.00
Flowering time: 06-07
Zone: 2 -
Hippophae rhamnoïdes 'Leikora' (Hippophae)
Hippophae rhamnoïdes 'Leikora' (Hippophae)
French name : Argousier femelle Leikora
French description : Shrub with the raised port, used in mass. Greyish foliage. Orange fruits in abundance. Support the dry grounds, the wind and salt. Female selection of the species.
Sunshine : Sun,
Height at maturity: 4.00
Width maturity : 3.00
Zone: 3 -
Spiraea betulifolia 'Tor
Spiraea betulifolia 'Tor
French name : Spirée à feuilles de bouleau Tor
French description : Shrub with the compact port used in the rockeries. Small round leaves of 2-4 cm. White flowers in corymbs of 6 cm, covering entirely the plant. Not very susceptible to the diseases.
Sunshine : Sun, Half-shade,
Height of maturity : 0.80
Width maturity: 0.80
Flowering time: 06-07
Zone: 3