Spiraea bumalda 'Flaming Mound
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Salix discolor
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French description : Shrub with the rounded port. Lustrous foliage, green blue, with the white downy reverse. Early and very silky catkins, bright yellow.
Sunshine : Sun,
Height at maturity: 8.00
Width maturity : 5.00
Flowering time: 05
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French name : Seringat Snowbelle
French description : Shrub with the compact and rounded port. Dense foliage. Double flowers, white, on a tight cluster, scented. One of the most flowering seringats.
Sunshine : Sun, Half-shade,
Height at maturity: 1.50
Width maturity : 1.00
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French description : Big pink flowers looking like snowballs on solid stems. These flowers preserve a beautiful color as they mature and are even splendid when they dry. Blooms on new wood. Green foliage.
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French description : Feuillage doré au printemps devenir graduellement bourgogne, ce qui donne un mélange des deux couleurs pendant la saison. Flowering white cream.
Sunshine : Sun,
Height at maturity: 2.00
Width maturity : 2.00
Flowering time: 06
Zone: 2