Elaeagnus commutata
Attracts birds
Releases fragrance
Other products of interest
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Hypericum kalmianum
Hypericum kalmianum
French name : Millepertuis
French description : Small shrub with the bushy port. Green bluish foliage. Beautiful flowering of yellow color. Blooms on the wood of the year.
Sunshine : Sun,
Height of maturity : 0.90
Width maturity : 0.90
Flowering time: 07
Zone: 4 -
Spiraea bumalda 'Golden Carpet
Spiraea bumalda 'Golden Carpet
French name : Spirée Golden Carpet
French description : Dwarf shrub. Golden yellow foliage. Pink flowers in corymbes. Ideal for the mosaics.
Sunshine : Sun, Half-shade,
Height of maturity : 0.20
Width maturity : 0.35
Zone: 3 -
Syringa meyeri 'Palibin
Syringa meyeri 'Palibin
French name : Lilas coréen
French description : Dwarf shrub with the globular port. Flowers blue lavender, abundant, as of its young age.
Sunshine : Sun,
Height at maturity: 1.00
Width maturity: 1.50
Flowering time: 06
Zone: 3 -
Rhus aromatica
Rhus aromatica
French name : Sumac aromatique
French description : Plant with the irregular bushy port. Many erect branches. Beautiful cut out foliage orange with red purple in the autumn. Ideal plant for stabilization of slopes.
Attracts birds
Is scented
Sunshine : Sun,
Height at maturity: 1.00
Width maturity: 1.50
Flowering time: 05
Zone: 3SKU: RHSARIT Categories: Shrubs, Riparian buffers, Direct Ship, Flex, Generic, Bird, Renaturalization, Soleil, Slope stabilization, Plants, Zone 3 Tags: Birds, Soleil