Deschampsia cespitosa
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Imperata cylindrica 'Red Baron
French name : Impérata cylindrique rouge
French description : Flowers white silvered in ears, green foliage at the base and red blood at the top.
Sunshine : Sun, Half-shade,
Height of maturity : 0.45
Width maturity : 0.30
Flowering time: 09-10
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French description : Shrub with the bushy port. Bluish green foliage. Pink flowers on the growth of the year. White fruits of 1 cm in diameter. Tolerates well the shade.
Attracts birds
Is scented
Sunshine: Sun, Half-shade, Shade,
Height at maturity: 1.00
Width maturity: 1.20
Zone: 3SKU: SMPALBL Categories: Shrubs, Riparian buffers, Direct Ship, Flex, Generic, Mi-Ombre, Bird, Shadow, Renaturalization, Soleil, Slope stabilization, Plants, Zone 3 Tags: Mi-Ombre, Birds, Shadow, Soleil -
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French description : Flowers blue violet with yellow and white throat.
Sunshine : Sun, Half-shade,
Height of maturity : 0.55
Width maturity: 0.40
Flowering time: 06-07
Zone: 3SKU: IRSVRLO Categories: Riparian buffers, Flex, Generic, Rain gardens/bio-retention, Mi-Ombre, Renaturalization, Soleil, Slope stabilization, Plants, Perennials, Zone 3 Tags: Mi-Ombre, Soleil -
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Panicum virgatum 'Ruby Ribbons
French name : Panic effilé Ruby Ribbons
French description : Small reddish brown ears. Blue gray foliage which starts to become burgundy as of the middle of the summer.
Sunshine : Sun,
Height of maturity : 0.90
Width maturity: 0.60
Flowering time: 08
Zone: 4